The InFORMed Project template has been developed to support a participant-centred, simplified, national PICF.
Our aim is to improve the efficiency and impact of health and medical research in Australia by making it easier for consumers to make decisions about participation.
Learn how the InFORMed PICF Template simplifies consent forms, making them clearer and more participant-centred for health and medical research in Australia.
Download the InFORMed Project template and User Guide
We have developed a simplified and respectful PICF template for the written communication of participant information about research which helps participants to make an informed decision about whether to participate.
Artwork by Dr Sue Pillans
Watch our webinar on Redesigning Consent to Research, as a panel of experts explored the pathways forward in Australia to promote participant-centered consent to research.
Online Webinar
Meet the team
A Project Team comprising over 35 people from CT:IQ member organisations was established to develop the InFORMed Project template.
Read about the consumer consultation sessions conducted by Dr Tanya Symons, which informed the beta-testing version of the template and user guide.
What did consumers tell us?
"The key is making it simple to read
and keep it as short as possible."
— Survey participant